The Shri Swambhu Singh Devi Navdurga Temple is located in the village of Nagarakata Hope Tea Garden, in the Jalpaiguri district of West Bengal.
Approximately 50 years ago, the divine presence of Maa Bhagwati emerged in the form of a self-manifested Pindi at the confluence of two rivers in the village. Over time, the worship of the Pindi had faded, but by divine command, Yogesh Pradhan, a dedicated devotee, discovered the Pindi and built a small temple at its current location.
Maa Bhagwati is worshipped here in her self-manifested form. The sacred site has a deep spiritual significance for the local community and beyond, attracting devotees who come to seek her blessings.
Currently, the temple is undergoing a much-needed restoration and beautification process. The aim is to preserve the sanctity of the site and enhance its facilities for the growing number of devotees.
Your generous donations can help restore Shri Swambhu Singh Devi Navdurga Temple to its former glory. Contributions will go towards:
- Renovating the existing temple structure.
- Enhancing the facilities for devotees.
- Preserving the sacred and historical significance of the temple.
Donate now to help preserve the spiritual significance and rich history of Shri Swambhu Singh Devi Navdurga Temple.
Thank you for your support in maintaining this sacred legacy for future generations.
Please be advised that all contributions to our organization are final and non-refundable.
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